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SP1748 - PS1213-02.21 District Nursing Bag
Buyer : North Tees & Hartlepool Solutions LLP contracting on behalf of North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundatio
A Framework to Provide Medical Equipment and Consumable Transportation Aids and Associated Products
SP1748 - PS1213-02.21 District Nursing Bag
A Framework to Provide Medical Equipment and Consumable Transportation Aids and Associated Products
SP1748 - PS1213-02.21 District Nursing Bag
A Framework to Provide Medical Equipment and Consumable Transportation Aids and Associated Products
District Nursing Scheduling Software
Buyer : University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) is seeking to engage with suppliers interested in its requirement for Scheduling Software for its District Nursing Teams. Suppliers who are able to offer solutions relevant to this requiremen ....
ITT for the Supply of Community Equipment, Occupational Therapy, District Nursin ....
Buyer : Dundee City Council
The requirement here is for the supply of community equipment, occupational therapy, district nursing and physio equipment for Dundee and Angus joint stores. This is a framework agreement for 4 years consisting of 2 + 1 + 1 years.
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