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GBC - Guildford Economic Regeneration Project - Stakeholder/Community/Political ....
Buyer : guildford borough council
Guildford Borough Council require services from a suitably qualified and experienced contractor and is looking to appoint Communications and stakeholder engagement specialists to help it engage on the next phase of its Regeneration Plan.
Guildford Economic Regeneration Project - Traffic Survey - AWARD
Buyer : guildford borough council
GBC require the services of a capable supplier to undertake traffic surveys as per the specification document
Guildford Economic Regeneration Project - Flood Consultant
Buyer : guildford borough council
Flood Consultancy services for the GERP project
Guildford Economic Regeneration Project - PMFDTS
Buyer : guildford borough council
Project Mgt services for the GERP project
GBC — Guildford Economic Regeneration Project (GERP) — Legal Services
Buyer : Guildford Borough Council
GBC seek to appoint a single legal services provider (via the Light Touch regime) with proven local government experience delivering large scale grant-funded regeneration projects in the following disciplines: planning and environmental law, property ....
GBC - Guildford Economic Regeneration Project (GERP) - Legal Services - AWARD
Buyer : Guildford Borough Council
Guilford Borough Council ("The Contracting Authority") has recognised for some time that it needs to prepare and implement a strategy for Guildford's Economic regeneration otherwise it is very likely that there will be continued decline in its attrac ....
Provision of Grounds Maintenance services at Five Economic Regeneration sites in ....
Provision of Grounds Maintenance services at Five Economic Regeneration sites in Staffordshire. The aims of the contract is to include:- - Enhanced landscape quality; - Improved landscape visual amenity; and - Provide wildlife habitat and increase bi ....
Support Services to Provide Economic Regeneration Services
Buyer : Fenland District Council
To provide local economic regeneration services through Peterborough City Council owned Opportunity Peterborough Ltd.
Guildford Economic Regeneration Project - Electronic Data
Buyer : guildford borough council
GBC require a supplier to provide data as per the specification documents. A suitable alternative proposed dataset and methodology to that currently listed in this tender using the Trip Information System used by National Highways could be acceptable ....
Guildford Economic Regeneration Project - Stakeholder/Community/Political Engage ....
Buyer : guildford borough council
Guildford Borough Council require services from a suitably qualified and experienced contractor and is looking to appoint Communications and stakeholder engagement specialists to help it engage on the next phase of its Regeneration Plan.
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