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Town Centre Regeneration: Best Practice - Evidence Review & Development Approach
Buyer : Flintshire County Council
Summary:This commission aims to achieve the following:1To establish an evidence base that shows what impact local authority actions can have, [and the resource alternatives required to achieve them].2To make ourselves aware of what current best pract ....
A short project to review the benefits for sectors outside of Public Water supply of a reduction in abstraction in terms of financial, quantity and carbon benefits.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) requires a supplier to provide research services into the application of valuation methods in the civil society sector.
Rapid Evidence Reviews to inform the Duty to Collaborate on commissioning of vic ....
Buyer : Ministry of Justice
Research services to conduct two Rapid Evidence Assessments on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and peer support interventions within the context of victim support services. The findings will inform the implementation of the Duty to Collaborate under th ....
Review and synthesis of existing evidence for how closely NOx emissions calculated using COPERT emission factors align with real-world NOx emission measurements.
Hydrogen - evidence review of hydrogen production and industrial use to s
Buyer : Environment Agency
1) Evidence review of environmental aspects to support future guidance on emerging techniques for hydrogen production including from waste gasification/pyrolysis- quick scoping review, rapid evidence assessment, systematic literature review, gap anal ....
Evidence review of harbour porpoise disturbance ranges in the context of the ass ....
Invitation to tender documents for project reference C24-0619-1913 - Evidence review of harbour porpoise disturbance ranges in the context of the assessment and management of impulsive noise in Special Areas of Conservation. In 2020, JNCC, Natural En ....
PRAPS056 -Novel technologies - evidence review
Buyer : Natural England
The UK government has set a target for two low carbon industrial clusters deploying hydrogen production and carbon capture and storage by the mid-2020s, and a minimum of four by 2030. This offers both an opportunity to decouple economic growth from g ....
Systematic Evidence Review on What Works for Disadvantaged Groups
Buyer : Department for Work and Pensions
Commissioning a systematic evidence review to better understand what works in supporting claimants from disadvantaged backgrounds into employment and to progress in employment.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Practitioner Standards - Joint ....
Buyer : Department for Education
Aim is to procure external evidence reviews to inform the development of 4 Practitioner Standards covering: Social Emotional and Mental Health, Sensory Impairment, Cognition and Learning, Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Reviews would rank the effectivene ....
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