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Demolition of Existing Structures and Construction of Seismically Compliant Serv ....
Buyer : DIO Commercial
Supply and Install Expamet lining for walls and ceilings of existing structures
Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (excepts electric apparatus). Construction materials and associated items. Construction materials. Building materials. Drilling cement. Profile sections. Frames. Miscellaneous ....
Bresheen Bridge Replacement - Replacement of Existing Structure on the R515 at B ....
Buyer : Limerick City and County Council
Bresheen Bridge is located on the Regional Road R515, South of Kilmallock, Co. Limerick. Bresheen Bridge is a two pipe concrete structure, the bridge requires full replacement. It is proposed to replace the bridge with a precast box culvert structure ....
Tri Force Contract for the Provision and Maintenance of New and Existing Structu ....
Buyer : Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire
Bedfordshire Police, Cambridgeshire Constabulary and Hertfordshire Constabulary are looking to streamline their structured cabling requirements into a Tri-Force contract with one supplier.The purposes of streamlining these services into a single cont ....
Installation, Maintenance and Monitoring of Equipment to Existing Structures and ....
The A46 Newark Bypass is a complex major infrastructure improvement scheme being developed by National Highways to widen a 6.5km stretch of the A46 to dual carriageway from the Farndon Roundabout to the Winthorpe Roundabout. Skanska are currently pre ....
Gas Booster House replacement and demolition of existing structure
St. Josephs Co-Ed - Repair works to existing structure
Buyer : St. Josephs Co-educational Primary School
Replace defective roof tiles, carry out remedial works and fit a new roof covering.
Tri Force Contract for the provision and maintenance of new and existing structu ....
Buyer : Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire
Bedfordshire Police, Cambridgeshire Constabulary and Hertfordshire Constabulary are looking to streamline their structured cabling requirements into a Tri-Force contract with one supplier.The purposes of streamlining these services into a single cont ....
Gas Booster House Replacement and Demolition of existing structure
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