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The Isle of Anglesey County Council (IACC) wish to procure a suitably qualified and experienced consultancy to call upon, as needed, to provide multi-disciplinary professional expertise and capacity to support capital project delivery and implementat ....
The Isle of Anglesey County Council (IACC) wish to procure a suitably qualified and experienced consultancy to call upon, as needed, to provide multi-disciplinary professional expertise and capacity to support capital project delivery and implementat ....
Provision of multi-disciplinary professional expertise and capacity - specialist ....
Buyer : Isle of Anglesey County Council
The Isle of Anglesey County Council (IACC) wish to procure a suitably qualified and experienced consultancy to call upon, as needed, to provide multi-disciplinary professional expertise and capacity to support capital project delivery and implementat ....
1.1 The Isle of Anglesey County Council (IACC) wish to procure a suitably qualified and experienced consultancy to call upon, as needed, to provide multi-disciplinary professional expertise and capacity support for strategic development and planning ....
The provision of multi-disciplinary professional expertise and capacity - strate ....
Buyer : Isle of Anglesey County Council
1.1 The Isle of Anglesey County Council (IACC) wish to procure a suitably qualified and experienced consultancy to call upon, as needed, to provide multi-disciplinary professional expertise and capacity support for strategic development and planning ....
NHS Devon has undertaken a procurement for GP support to Community Hospital in South and West Devon
ID 3101532 - DfI - IT Services to support delivery of statutory Vehicle Testing ....
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure, Driver and Vehicle Agency DVA
The service will be an integrated referral system delivered alongside and referring into NYY TEWV CAMHS. The service will provide early intervention group and 1:1 modalities to support children and young people. The aim of the service is to improve o ....
The Department for Science Innovation and Technology (“DSIT”) is committed to leveraging frontier Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) technologies to transform how citizens interact with government services. Our vision is for a fully integrated, A ....
RH300 + lumbar support + 8E armrests + neckrest ASUS VA247HE 23.8 Inch 75Hz FHD Monitor Goldtouch split keyboard Rockstick 2 Mouse SuperVisor Anti-Glare Screen with Solid Base Texthelp Read and Write Grammarly Premium (3-year subscription) MindGenius ....
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