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Formative Evaluation-Assessment Digital Gwynedd/Asesiad a Gwerthusiad Ffurfianno ....
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Gwynedd Council's Economy & Community Department wishes to appoint a suitably qualified individual or organisation to produce a formative evaluation of the Digital Gwynedd project.The suggested budget for the contract is £7,500 and the contract comp ....
The requirement is for the development of a formative evaluation for the Regulatory Reform pillar of the Economic Integration Programme (EIP). In addition to building on internally scoped work, aiming to measure the impact of 3 workstreams; the Consu ....
ROG First Light Formative Evaluation of Exhibitions and Public Engagement Progra ....
Buyer : National Maritime Museum
ROG First Light Formative Evaluation of Exhibitions and Public Engagement Programme Strands
GB-London: Formative Evaluation Qualitative Brief for an Upcoming Exhibition at ....
Buyer : Imperial War Museums
IWM is seeking a piece of research and evaluation for an upcoming exhibition at IWM London due to open in 2025.
Tees Valley Combined Authority on behalf of The North East and Yorkshire Net Zero Hub have entered into a contract with the awarded provider to deliver a formative evaluation of a Retrofit Skills Pilot Programme.
GB-London: AWARD NOTICE - Formative Evaluation Qualitative Brief for an Upcoming ....
Buyer : imperial war museums
IWM is seeking a piece of research and evaluation that will enable us to shape an upcoming season of activities and public events across the IWM sites, including an upcoming major exhibition at IWM London due to open in 2025. The aim of this research ....
Curriculum for Wales Formative Evaluation
Buyer : Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
The Welsh Government seeks to contract for a formative evaluation of the Curriculum for Wales which will provide us with the broad qualitative and quantitative picture of how the reforms are working, how practice is changing and how these changes are ....
Assess the delivery, effectiveness and impacts of Places for Growth (PfG), providing a framework/methodology for assessing impact and a new benefits modelling.
FWRECR16078HEFCE - Formative Evaluation and Capacity Building
We wish to place a tender for a large-scale formative evaluation and capacity building programme that assesses how successfully the National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP) is driving rapid progress towards Government goals to: •double the ....
DFID 7150 The Formative Evaluation of the Support to Emerging Governance Structu ....
Actual CPV code is ‘75211200 Foreign Economic-Aid Related Services’. 1.The Department for International Development (DFID) seeks an evaluation team with extensive skills and experience in the design and implementation of high-quality evaluations ....
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