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Purchase of four Additional Fresh Water Cooling Heat Exchanger
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
The Platform Equipment Delivery Team part of the Ministry of Defence, intends to award a contract to Naval Group Limited (“Naval Group”) for the purchase of four additional Fresh Water Cooling Heat Exchanger (HEATEX) units (“Units&r ....
Supply & Maintenance of Automated System to Analyse Phosphate, Ammonia and Silic ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
The Scottish Ministers have a requirement for the supply & maintenance of an Automated System to Analyse Phosphate, Ammonia and Silica in Fresh Water at the Marine Directorate’s Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, Pitlochry.
The Marine Systems Support (MSS) Output Business Unit, within the Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) organisation, intends to place a contract for Post Design Services, Repairs & Overhaul and the provision of Spares for the support of Fresh Water P ....
Fresh Water & Sewer Pump Maintenance & Servicing
Buyer : b3living
B3Living (B3L) is seeking to award a Framework Agreement to a single Supplier for the provision of Water and Sewer Pump Servicing & Maintenance Works as described within this Invitation to Quote (ITQ): the scope will be as described within the specif ....
Multiparameter Sondes for Fresh Water Monitoring
Buyer : University of Exeter
We are looking to purchase water quality monitoring equipment for the Upstream Thinking project, funded by South West Water. The project aims at understanding the impact of catchment interventions on water quality at catchment scale in both streams a ....
Multiparameter Sondes for Fresh Water Monitoring
Buyer : University of Exeter
We are looking to purchase water quality monitoring equipment for the Upstream Thinking project, funded by South West Water. The project aims at understanding the impact of catchment interventions on water quality at catchment scale in both streams a ....
Fresh Water Burst Pipes 2021-2025
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
The Excavation and Repair of Fresh Water Burst mains and pipes, including breaking out and reinstatement. The properties consist of housing varying in age of both traditional and system built construction and of low, medium and high rise. The success ....
Fresh Water Burst Pipes 2021 - 2025 - AWARD
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
The Excavation and Repair of Fresh Water Burst mains and pipes, including breaking out and reinstatement. The properties consist of Housing varying in age of both traditional and system built construction and of low, medium and high rise. The success ....
ITT for Fresh Water Burst Pipes
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
ITT for fresh water burst pipes. The excavation and repair of fresh water burst mains and pipes, including breaking out and reinstatement. The properties consist of housing varying in age of both traditional and system built construction and of low, ....
SHIPACQ058 - Initial Provisioning Spares for QEC Aircraft Carriers - Main Diesel ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence, Ships, Queen Elizabeth Class
SHIPACQ058 - Initial Provisioning Spares for QEC Aircraft Carriers - Main Diesel Generator, Emergency Diesel Generator, Lube Oil Embarkation and Fresh Water Cooling System
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