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Green waste and biowaste management
Buyer : Warwickshire County Council
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council are seeking a suitable supplier who has the capability and capacity to provide Green Waste Haulage and competent Processing. Collect of waste will be from its Lister Road Depot, Lister Road, Netherton DY2 8JW.
This Procurement will establish a single Supplier Contract for the disposal and treatment of organic waste (co-mingled food and green waste). The Services are described in detail within Appendix B, Statement of Requirements (Specification). The contr ....
This Procurement will establish a single Supplier Contract for the disposal and treatment of organic waste (co-mingled food and green waste). The Services are described in detail within Appendix B, Statement of Requirements (Specification). The contr ....
Haulage of Residual Waste and Green Waste from Council Household Recycling Centr ....
Buyer : Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
The Council requires a service for the collection, haulage and emptying of waste containers filled with residual/general waste and green waste from its Household Recycling Centres to Council nominated facilities/delivery points. The purpose of this P ....
Provision of Services for the Acceptance and Composting of Green Waste
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
Lancashire County Council was seeking tenders for the provision of Services for the Acceptance and Composting of un-shredded Green Waste. The requirement was separated into 13 Lots which are aligned to the districts of Lancashire and Blackpool Counci ....
Treatment of Green Waste in Leicestershire
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
Buyer : City Of Wolverhampton Council
Radio Frequncy Identification (RFID) & Weighing system for green waste collectio ....
Buyer : Pembrokeshire County Council
Pembrokeshire County Council (the Council) is looking to appoint suitably qualified and experienced contractors to provide a full solution for the supply and fitment of a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) & Weighing system for green waste col ....
Provision of a Facility(s) to Receive, Shred & Compost Quantities of Green Waste
Buyer : Pembrokeshire County Council
The provision of a licensed/permitted facility(s) to receive, shred and compost quantities of ‘green waste’ delivered by the Authority to the Contractor.Due to the tonnages expected during the term of this Contract (7000+ tonnes per annum) the Co ....
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