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MWF Lot 1 (DA) - Gutter Repairs - replace bespoke aluminium guttering and associ ....
Buyer : hampshire county council
Dear Sir/Madam, In accordance with the Minor Works Framework 2022 - 2026 - lot 1 you are invited to tender for the gutter repairs project at Pinewood Infant School and have been supplied with the attached documents. Please download all the documents ....
QQ- Elson Junior School - Gutter Repairs - AWARD
Buyer : hampshire county council
Dear Sir/Madam, You are invited to tender for the Gutter Repairs ay Elson Junior School & have been supplied with the attached documents. How to obtain the Quotation Documents The Quotation documents can be accessed when logged into In-Tend by select ....
Newton Aycliffe Northfield Way Roof and gutter repairs
Buyer : north of england reserve forces and cadets associations
Roof and rain water goods repair
Leaseholder roof and gutter repairs works
External repair works to 83-135 Bebington Road, Programme at 3 No. Flat Blocks, Rock Ferry, Wirral, Merseyside, CH42 4PY.
Parapet Gutter Repairs to 69, 71, 73 Waresley crescent 2017
Buyer : Cobalt Housing e-Tendering
Replace the lead lined parapet gutters with a GRP system to a run of three properties 69,71, 73 Waresley crescent
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