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Database Software
To engage with heritage stakeholders to gather demonstrator projects from across the spectrum of historic buildings of traditional construction, which equate to roughly 30% of England's housing stock. To provide a comprehensive understanding of quali ....
Measuring embodied carbon of different retrofit packages in historic buildings
Buyer : Historic England
Budget = ?12,000 INC VAT or ?10,000 EX VAT Historic England is seeking to commission research aimed at further developing the UWE model (Organ et al., 2020) by incorporating estimates of the embodied carbon associated with two retrofit packages for t ....
Guide to Making Historic Buildings More Energy Efficient for Test Valley Borough ....
Buyer : Test Valley Borough Council
The Council is seeking to produce a bespoke, non-technical guidance note for the owners and occupiers of heritage buildings and properties located in conservation areas to assist them in understanding what measures are appropriate to improve their en ....
Historic Buildings Sites and Monuments Record (HBSMR) Software
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
Procurement of Historic Buildings Sites and Monuments Record (HBSMR) software, call off via CCS RM6259 - Vertical Application Solutions. This is a contract with 4 x 12 months extension options.
Historic England's Advice Note (HEAN) Adapting Historic Buildings for Energ ....
Buyer : Historic England
Historic England seeks to commission trainers with technical expertise and policy experience of retrofit to co-produce and deliver in-person and online workshops for internal staff and local authorities to support the knowledge and confidence in the ....
Call off support time to implement HBSMR API fetching data from HBSMR into the new Heritage Gateway portal for ten early adopter HERs.
Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments Record system (HBSMR)
Buyer : nottinghamshire county council
Historic Buildings, Sites and Momuments Records System
Assessing impacts of the CS Historic Building Restoration Pilot Scheme
Buyer : ne
Assessing impacts of the CS Historic Building Restoration Pilot Scheme
8586 Water Source Heat Pumps in the Historic Buildings and Landscapes Project - ....
Buyer : historic england
This project is to investigate the performance of a number of water source heat pump schemes currently operating in historic buildings and landscapes of the UK. The project will evaluate the performance of existing open-loop and closed-loop water sou ....
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