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Registered Housing Providers Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Registered Housing Providers Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) - Category 2 Suppor ....
Buyer : barnsley metropolitan borough council
Award contract with a Registered Social Housing Provider (the Provider) for the provision of a minimum of four properties distributed across the Borough for victims of domestic abuse.
Consortium of Social Housing Providers - LAD 3 and HUG Works
Buyer : city of york council (consortium lead)
LAD 3 and HUG Works
Lift Servicing and Maintenance for Social Housing Providers in Northern Ireland
Buyer : Clanmil Housing Association
Lift servicing and maintenance for social housing providers in Northern Ireland.
Window and Gutter Cleaning Services for Social Housing Providers
Buyer : Clanmil Housing Association
Window and gutter cleaning services for social housing providers.
Integrated Design Team (IDT) Professional Services Framework for Social Housing ....
Buyer : Radius Housing
The authority wishes to procure suitably qualified and competent IDT’s to provide the professional services as detailed in the Scope of Services in relation to certain schemes for dwellings and property throughout Northern Ireland.The services requ ....
Quantity Surveyor Team (QS) Professional Services Framework for Social Housing P ....
Buyer : Radius Housing
The authority wishes to procure suitably qualified and competent QS’s to provide the professional services as detailed in the Scope of Services in relation to certain schemes for dwellings and property throughout Northern Ireland.
Developing partnerships between affordable lenders and social housing providers
As part of its affordable credit scale-up programme, Fair4All Finance is seeking a provider to help develop partnerships between affordable lenders and social housing providers, in order to increase the use affordable credit provision. The provider w ....
Response Maintenance Measured Term Contract with Optional Planned Works for Soci ....
Buyer : Connswater Homes Ltd
Clanmil Housing Association, Abbeyfield and Wesley Housing Association and Connswater Homes Ltd wish to jointly procure a fully inclusive response maintenance contract. The procurement will be performed on a joint basis but will yield separate and in ....
Registered Housing Providers Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (the Council), is seeking to develop a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) of registered housing providers able to work in partnership with the Council to develop supported housing.The DPS will have the following cat ....
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