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PEACEPLUS From Multiculturalism to Interculturalism Project Lots 1 and 2
Buyer : Belfast City Council
This contract contributes to the implementation of the Celebrating Cultures and Diversity theme of the Belfast PEACEPLUS Local Community Action Plan. The Multiculturalism to Interculturalism project has 4 strands. The budget for the entire project is ....
This project is for the installation of fire rated door sets and compartmentation works to blocks within the London Borough of Newham. Tendering will be by way of call-off by mini-competition from the Procurement Hub Property Works DPS.
Term Service Contract for Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance and Minor Works ....
Buyer : Education Authority NI
Term Service Contract for Building Maintenance and Minor Works in the old Southe ....
Buyer : Education Authority NI
Homes England - Regeneration JV Partnerships - Due Diligence Contract - Property ....
Buyer : Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)
Provision of property and financial services in relation to setting up of JV partnerships
CALL-OFF CONTRACT FROM -Lots 1 and 2 SBC 0822 Framework agreement for Provision ....
PM and QS Services for Stevenage Enterprise Hub
P0795 - 009 - Supplementary Substance Misuse Treatment Grant (SSMTG) Navigator - ....
Buyer : birmingham city council
Further competition exercise using the Council's Rough Sleepers Framework Agreement Lot 1 - Young People (16-25yrs) inviting tenders from all approved suppliers included within the aforementioned agreement. The Council will enter into a contract unde ....
Maintenance of Environmental Monitoring Systems : Lots 1 and 2
Buyer : NHS Blood and Transplant
Maintenance of Environmental Monitoring Systems : Lots 1 and 2
NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) have awarded a contract for 'office refurbishment - furniture' to Gresham Office Furniture Limited, via the Crown Commercial Services RM6119 Framework for Furniture & Associated Services: L ....
PSNI2741620: MTC Multi-Trade Contracts (Bldg, Mech and Elect) Lots 1 and 2
Buyer : CPD - Construction Division
The project is for the provision of Building, Mechanical and Electrical Measured Term Contract Works and Services across the PSNI Estate. The Contracting Authority is looking to appoint two Economic Operators (Contractors) to provide the above servic ....
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