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Northern Ireland Basemapping Data Licence 2024/25
Green Infrastructure Mapping Database. Urban Habitat and Naturalness Mapping Pha ....
Buyer : Natural England
An Earth Observation based approach to developing Urban Habitat and Naturalness Maps was developed during 2021/22 and further refined during 2022/23 which included the upscaling of application of the method to a small selection of major urban conurba ....
England Green Infrastructure Mapping Database: Urban Habitat and Naturalness Map ....
Buyer : natural england
Provision of Resilience Direct Dashboard and Mapping Data Visualisation applica
Buyer : crown commercial service
The ResilienceDirect™ team, are seeking a provider for ResilienceDirect Dashboard and Mapping Data Visualisation application. ResilienceDirect™ is the UK's free-to-use, secure web based platform for all Category 1 & 2 responders, government depar ....
England Green Infrastructure Mapping Database - Spatial Environmental Data Updat ....
Buyer : natural england
Update of England Green Infrastructure Mapping Database Version 1.1 spatial (GIS) environmental data (as listed in the specification) to most recent data sources at time of contract.
Surveying Services and Mapping Data Updates
Buyer : HM Land Registry
Provision of Surveying services; MasterMap Daily Update Service and Feature Validation Data Set
The contracting authority has a legal requirement (under Land Registration Act 2002) to create a Title Plan and IndexMap based on the latest edition of the Ordnance Survey map for the purpose of land registration. To enable the contracting authority ....
Cloud hosting mapping data services purchased under GCloud 12 Framework
UKHSA_Scientific - Purchase of temperature mapping data loggers
Buyer : uk health security agency
Purchase of additional temperature mapping data loggers to support validation work for VTF Programme.
Provision of Republic of Ireland Digital Mapping Datasets
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Supply of digital mapping data of the Republic of Ireland to Defence Geographic Centre.
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