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MWF (Lot 1) - Woodcot Lodge - Minor Alterations - AWARD
Buyer : hampshire county council
Dear Sir/Madam, In accordance with the Minor Works Framework 2022 - 2026 - lot (1) you are invited to tender for the Minor Alterations at Woodcot Lodge and have been supplied with the attached documents. Please download all the documents and read VER ....
Minor alterations to Burton Addiction Centre
Buyer : staffordshire county council
COMF Funding to be used to make physical alterations to the building to separate double rooms into singles in order to reduce the risk of infection and increase activity. This is a one off funding
CWF Lot 1B - Kendal Day Centre - Minor Alterations and New M&E Installations
Buyer : cumbria county council
Minor alterations and New Mechanical and Electrical Installation at Kendal Day Centre
Handyperson & Minor Alterations Service (HPMA)
Buyer : sunderland city council
This contract is reserved for VCSE's (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises), Please refer to the Tender Documents for further information. This procurement is for an under threshold works contract and as such is subsequently exempt from the ru ....
Wonsford Police Station - Minor Alteration Works
Buyer : Cheshire Constabulary on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire
Winsford Police Station - Minor Alterations to Station & Garage Block Main Station. The work involves internal alterations to an operational police station, to provide additional office accommodation and briefing facilities together with the refurbis ....
MTC for Building & Mechanical Maintenance, Inspection and Minor Alterations
Buyer : Coleg Gwent
This procurement is predominantly for Building and Mechanical maintenance and minor alterations.
Minor Alterations to Block P, DPR Store, Force HQ, Portishead
Buyer : Avon & Somerset Constabulary
Minor Alterations to Block P, DPR Store, Force HQ, Portishead
Minor alterations TB1 Polhill Campus, Bedford
Buyer : university of bedfordshire
To carry out alteration work at location TB1 Polhill Campus Bedford
19FPC018 - Additional Accommodation Scheme Extension and minor alterations to ex ....
Buyer : Lisvernane National School
The project involves Additional Accommodation Scheme Extension and minor alterations to existing rooms to Existing National School including all associated works at LISVERNANE National School, LISVERNANE, GLEN OF AHERLOW, Co. Tipperary as per Pricing ....
minor works, creche - Internal layout works and minor alterations to existing bu ....
Buyer : Orla Neary T/A Cheeky Monkeys Creche
Full fit out of existing open space to utilize as creche to include internal partition walls and services, creating a connection ope from new to existing creche unit, and making good any or all alterations.All works to be in accordance with current c ....
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