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Buyer : Single Source Regulations Office
The Defence Reform Act 2014 established the Single Source Regulations Office ("SSRO") as an independent regulator of the UK Government's procurement of single source military equipment and services. The SSRO supports the single source procurement fra ....
Buyer : Greater Manchester Combined Authority
The scope of this procurement is to appoint a multi-supplier Framework of suitable organisations that operate in-vessel composting plants, and any other suitable biowaste treatment facilities, which are competent and accredited to provide biowaste tr ....
SNG wishes to establish a Framework Agreement for Contractors capable of delivering works for its new developments and major refurbishment schemes under JCT D and B contracts (and, for Lots 4,8 and 12) JCT Construction Management Contract and in acco ....
Environmental monitoring borehole installation for assessing contamination
Buyer : UK Research & Innovation
Environmental monitoring borehole installation for assessing low level contamination in groundwater at sensitive sites. As part of a project to assess potential soil and groundwater impacts from the surface application of biosolids on agricultural la ....
Midlothian Council invites suppliers to participate in open tender process for supply of Road Repairs and Maintenance services.
Wokingham Borough Council are seeking to engage with external organisations to gauge the level of market interest in the formation of a framework for the provision of a variety of construction works in lots which will run for up to 4 years (and in ac ....
e-ITT for the supply of Temporary Worker Services under a multi-supplier framework agreement Closing Date for Submission of Tenders 12.00 NOON, 11 March 2025 to be returned electronically via the Council's e-tendering solution "Pro-Contract ....
Midlothian Council invites suppliers to participate in open tender process for supply of Road Repairs and Maintenance services.
Environmental monitoring borehole installation for assessing low level contamination in groundwater at sensitive sites.
Buyer : Greater Manchester Combined Authority
GMCA is seeking to procure the arrangements for the treatment of co-mingled food and ‘green’ garden Biowaste from 2026. The scope of this procurement is to appoint a multi-supplier Framework of suitable organisations that operate in-vesse ....
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