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BlueLight Commercial (BLC) in conjunction with Police Forces and Fire and Rescue Services in England and Wales are looking to drive efficiencies by better use of their Contract Management data.We wish to invite the market to an engagement event to un ....
Deliver Technium Challenge UK and International contract
Buyer : Welsh Government
Technium is a pan-Wales network of 11 innovation centres providing a supportive environment for young technology businesses with high-growth potential. Technium offers accommodation to these businesses for a period of 3-5 years to help them through t ....
Supply of liquid fuels for heating and power generation at sites across the HMPPS and HMCTS estates
Supply of liquid fuels for heating and power generation at sites across the HMPPS and HMCTS estates.
Supply of liquid fuels for heating and power generation at sites across the HMPPS and HMCTS estates
Supply of liquid fuels for heating and power generation at sites across the HMPPS and HMCTS estates.
Supply of liquid fuels for heating and power generation at sites across the HMPPS and HMCTS estates.
National Contract for the inspection of T98, PSRA & PIP Support
Buyer : alder hey childrens nhs foundation trust
Alder Hey Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust as the Contracting Authority in partnership with Procure Partnerships intends to let a National Contractor Framework, which may be used to award contracts for Alder Hey Children's Hospital NHS Founda ....
COVID 19 - Flexible Resource Pool - National Contract
Buyer : nhs england
This is a contract to support the NHS England/NHS Improvement led Seasonal and Pandemic Programme Team with a National Flexible Resource Pool for the additional Workforce required to successfully deliver the COVID-19 vaccination programmes. This was ....
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