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Servicing & Repairs of Gas Fired Boilers and Other Equipment to Communal/Office ....
Buyer : alliance homes
This procurement is for the provision of services related to Servicing & Repairs of Gas Fired Boilers and Other Equipment to Communal/Office Buildings within the North Somerset, and surrounding area such as Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath and No ....
Procurement of a contractor to design and build new office buildings at Axis Squ ....
Buyer : London & Continental Railways Ltd
This award is for a pre-construction services contract, the first-stage of the procurement for the Axis Square, Birmingham which is a high quality office-led development, which will also include retail and public space that is set to transform a 1,68 ....
Lot 1: Office Storage (Head Office Buildings)
Framework contract for the provision of office storage facilities (Head Offices and British Transport Police) for office furniture
Servicing and Repairs of Gas Fired Boilers and Other Equipment to Communal/Offic ....
Buyer : NSAH (Alliance Homes) Ltd
Procurement for the provision of Servicing and Repairs of Gas Fired Boilers and Other Equipment to Communal/Office Buildings . Full details are available through the Alliance Homes e-Tendering portal:
Servicing & Repairs of Gas Fired Boilers and Other Equipment to Communal/Office ....
Buyer : alliance homes
This procurement is for the provision of services related to Servicing & Repairs of Gas Fired Boilers and Other Equipment to Communal/Office Buildings within the North Somerset, and surrounding area such as Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath and No ....
DLR/2022/10 - Cleaning and Janitorial Services at Public Toilets and Office Buil ....
Buyer : Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Tender submissions are invited in relation to the provision of cleaning and janitorial services for public toilets, staff toilets and staff offices at locations within the County of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown.
PRN1380 Cleaning Services at Communal areas of Housing Schemes and at Office Bui ....
Buyer : Choice Housing
Tenders are invited from suitably experienced and qualified Service Provider for the provision of the following cleaning services at multiple General Needs, Sheltered and Supported Housing Schemes throughout Northern Ireland • Cleaning of communal ....
Hyde Housing Association seeks to introduce a framework for the provision of Office Building - Planned and Reactive Maintenance services. This framework will be used by Hyde and promoted externally to all Contracting Authorities in the UK, by Nationa ....
Office Buildings - Planned and Reactive Maintenance
Buyer : Hyde Housing Association
The framework will be available for use by all Public Sector bodies as listed on the Office of National Statistics, for the following services. , Core Services;, Reactive and Preventative Maintenance for Electrical, plumbing, gas., Fire extinguisher ....
New Boat Shed & Office Building - New Boat Shed & Office buildings at Aasleigh L ....
Buyer : Inland Fisheries Ireland
Construction and delivery of a new boat shed and office buildings at Aasleigh Lodge, Leenane, Co. Galway for Inland Fisheries Ireland to provide this state agency with Office and a base to facilitate the protection, management, marketing, development ....
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