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Provision of Paediatric Cardiology outreach outpatient clinics
Buyer : Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Provision of Paediatric Cardiology outreach outpatient services
The Provision of a Renal Dialysis and Outpatient Clinic Managed Service
Buyer : Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are seeking for a supplier to a Renal Dialysis and Outpatient Clinic Managed Service. The scope of the service includes the provision and maintenance of associated equipment and premises and the prov ....
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are seeking for a supplier to a Renal Dialysis and Outpatient Clinic Managed Service. The scope of the service includes the provision and maintenance of associated equipment and premises and the prov ....
Neu Health Software as a Medical Device (SAMD) platform, enabling a seamless continuation of service for current patient users. The proposal outlines a vision for Neu Health and ESNEFT to create a partnership and offer the Neu Health software for up ....
Buyer : Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust
Weekend ENT Outpatient Clinics
Buyer : norfolk and norwich university hospitals nhs foundation trust
Provision of services to deliver weekend ENT Outpatient services
Provision of ENT Outpatient Clinics and theatre lists
Buyer : Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
The aim is to provide additional outpatient capacity to manage the waiting times for ENT patients requiring a first outpatient.The aim is to provide additional theatre sessions for ENT in order to manage the number of long wait patients and reduce br ....
NHS Grampian Mini Competition for Medical Services - Dermatology Outpatient Clin ....
Buyer : NHS Grampian
The NHS Grampian requirement for this mini-competition is to obtain medical services at NHS Hospitals as called off from the DPS NP676/22. The objective is to help support NHS Grampian in reducing their waiting time lists.
Weekend ENT Outpatient Clinics - Medinet
Buyer : norfolk and norwich university hospitals nhs foundation trust
Provision of Weekend Outpatient Clinic services for the ENT department
Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic Services
Buyer : norfolk and norwich university hospitals nhs foundation trust
Supplies, service and design for the provision of insourcing services atamis contract reference C141861
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