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Grounds Maintenance, Arboriculture, Pest Control and Associated Estates Services
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
UKAEA has a requirement for a single contract which covers the following main elements. - Grounds Maintenance - Tree Arboricultural works, which is classed as either Major or Minor, including surveying associated services contract. - Pest Control Ser ....
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
Pest Control Services
Pest Control Services for LiveWest
Buyer : LiveWest Homes Limited
Pest Control. Reactive maintenance & surveys throughout LW geography. Possibility for proofing work as well.
Pest Control and Associated Facilities Management Services
Buyer : Newydd Housing Association (1974) Ltd.
Newydd Housing Association and Cadwyn Housing Association require a preventative and reactive pest control service across a range of sites. Other ancilliary services may be required in order to maintain facilities.
Buyer : NHS Lanarkshire
NHS Lanarkshire (NHSL) require a high quality, reliable, efficient and cost effective Pest Control Service throughout the Board, at the core of which will be a commitment to sustaining and protecting the environment.
The aims of this exercise are to: • Procure contractors to abate and control the spectrum of pest species across Great Places Housing Group dwellings, properties, schemes and neighbourhoods • Ensure Great Places is getting value for money i ....
Buyer : NHS Lanarkshire
NHS Lanarkshire (NHSL) require a high quality, reliable, efficient and cost effective Pest Control Service throughout the Board, at the core of which will be a commitment to sustaining and protecting the environment.
Grounds Maintenance, Arboriculture, Pest Control and Associated Estates Services
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
UKAEA requires primarily a Grounds maintenance contract, which includes the following associated Estates Services. • Routine Grounds Maintenance services of campus, including sports facilities(s) and internal planting • Minor and Major Arboricult ....
Pest Control Servces for the Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
Pest Control Service for the Health and Social Care in Northern which includes the following participants: Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Northern Health and Social Care Trust Western Health and Social Care Trust South Eastern Health and Social ....
Buyer : Paradigm Housing Group
Call off between Paradigm Housing Group Ltd and John O'Conner Grounds Maintenance from the above SEC Framework
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