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Ycon2SW120 East Riding Planning Design Guide
Buyer : east riding of yorkshire council
Create a new design code with a strong visual base, following the principles set out in the National Model Design Code, which can be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document to the adopted Local Plan. The document will be a material consideration ....
NNC Collaborative Working Agreement - Planning Design
Buyer : north northamptonshire council
The key objective of the NNC design service is 'to deliver safe, inclusive and well designed places' in line with MHCLG requirements for Local Authorities to deliver and implement the National Planning Policy Framework, the National Design Guide and ....
Exit Planning Design Consultancy
Buyer : Border to Coast Pensions Partnership Ltd
Development of a Border to Coast exit planning model.
NU/1524 Provision of Master Planning Design Team for CAV
Buyer : Newcastle University
The University is looking to appoint a masterplan design team to work with the Director of Estates and Facilities, the CAV project manager and the masterplan business development consultant to develop a strategic masterplan for the redevelopment of C ....
Planning Design Organisation (PDO) for Depots and Stabling
Planning Design Organisation (PDO) for Depots and Stabling
Award PURCH1171 for the Provision of Master-planning Design Services.
Buyer : University of Glasgow
Award of PURCH1171 for the Provision of Master-planning Design Services.
Furniture, Fittings, Space Planning Design and Interior Design
Buyer : Welsh Government
This contract is being let on behalf of the Welsh Government (Client A) and the National Assembly for Wales (Client B) and the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW).The Services shall comprise the provision of material, equipment, plant ....
SC 11/22 - 110 kV Underground Cable and Overhead Line Grid Route Planning design
Buyer : Bord Na Mona
EM 11/22 - 110 kV & 220 kV Underground Cable Grid Route Planning Design for Owen ....
Buyer : Bord Na Mona
In summary, the services comprise of 110 kV & 220 kV Underground cable Grid route pinch/Crossing points (Stream, river, culvert and any other services) planning design for the below four projects:1.Owenniny-32. Ballydermot3. Littleton4. GarryhinchPle ....
MASTERPLANNING DESIGN TEAM AT Tendring and Colchester Borders Garden Community ( ....
Buyer : Latimer by Clarion Housing Group
A large-scale new settlement in Essex, formally allocated in the Colchester BC and Tendring DC Local Plans for up to 9,000 new homes. This is one of the largest development opportunities within the Clarion Housing Group portfolio, delivering new home ....
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