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Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Services (LARC)Services to include:To operate as a 'Hub', accepting referrals from other practices residing within the Southend East PCN locality, and self-referrals from women registered with participating practi ....
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Services (LARC)Services to include:To operate as a 'Hub', accepting referrals from other practices residing within the Southend East PCN locality, and self-referrals from women registered with participating practi ....
GP LARC Services - Primary Care Network Delivery Model Pilot
Buyer : Southend-on-Sea City Council
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Services (LARC)Services to include:To operate as a 'Hub', accepting referrals from other practices residing within the Southend East PCN locality, and self-referrals from women registered with participating practi ....
Home Support Principal Provider for East/NN4 Primary Care Networks
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
The Council has appointed 2 principal providers to deliver home support services in NN4 Primary Care Network and Gorleston Primary Care Network. The principal providers will deliver 70% of the hours and the remaining 30% will be delivered by a small ....
This contract values provision for Physicians Associate Preceptorship Provision
Education and Training
Contract Award for Central Bedfordshire (2 Practices) Primary Care Network (PCN) ....
Buyer : NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board
This is a voluntary ex ante transparency notice to notify of Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board's (BLMK ICB) intention to award a contract for the PCN DES 2023/24 service to cover two practice populations.
EoE Primary Care Network Clinical Directors 1:1 Coaching
Buyer : nhs england
Provision of 4 virtual coaching sessions for circa 30 EoE Primary Care Network (PCN) Clinical Directors and or their deputies or those aspiring to be in Clinical Directorship roles
Primary Care Networks (PCNs) were established as part of NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) long term plan to build on existing primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and ....
Primary care network mental wellbeing courses - NHS/SOEPS/22.863 - CAN
Buyer : south of england procurement centre
Providers/suppliers are invited to submit a bid for the supply and delivery of a series of Brighton and Hove (B&H) Primary Care Network (PCN) based mental wellbeing courses and workshops. Funding will be provided to develop and provide a range of ful ....
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