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Provision of a single electronic occupational health record keeping system for the South West London (SWL) Collaborative Occupational Health Service. To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the oppor ....
Provision of a HSE Approved Dosimetry and Record Keeping Service
Buyer : the newcastle upon tyne hospitals nhs foundation trust
Provision of a HSE Approved Dosimetry and Record Keeping Service for a period of 3-years with an option to extend by 2 x 12 month periods.
Provision of a HSE Approved Dosimetry and Record Keeping Service
Buyer : The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Provision of a HSE Approved Dosimetry Service to include:, Whole body dosimeters, Extremity dosimeters, Eye dosimeters, Record keeping for classified and non-classified workers
Buyer : University of Glasgow
PURCH2240 PROVISION OF A FRAMEWORK FOR THE PROVISION OF DOSIMETRY AND RECORD KEEPING SERVICES The University of Glasgow requires to appoint a supplier to provide Dosimetry Services and Record Keeping for its staff. Please refer to the PURCH2240 - ITT ....
Occupational Health Record Keeping System
Provision of a single electronic occupational health record keeping system for the South West London (SWL) Collaborative Occupational Health Service.
Provision of a HSE Approved Dosimetry and Record Keeping Service
Buyer : the newcastle upon tyne hospitals nhs foundation trust
Provision of a HSE Approved Dosimetry and Record Keeping Service for a period of 3-years with an option to extend by 2 x 12 month periods.
LUV00596 Animal Record Keeping and Management System
Buyer : University of Leicester
The University of Leicester is seeking an experienced supplier to provide a suitable and fully supported computerised animal record keeping and management system which is able to support all current and future requirements throughout the contract per ....
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