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Regular Servicing, Safety Check and Ad-hoc Repair of Vehicle Bay Doors
Buyer : East of England Ambulance Service
To diagnose defects, carry out routine regular safety checks and inspections and regular servicing, response servicing, maintenance, on demand repairs, provision of equipment details, maintenance records and testing and the issue of routine safety ch ....
CFN 21-T17 Regular Servicing, Safety Check and Ad Hoc repair of Bay Doors
Buyer : east of england ambulance service
East of England Ambulance Trust through its Procurement Services wishes to award a contract for the regular PPM Servicing, inspections and safety checks of Bay Doors, on 6 monthly basis and also attend ad hoc repairs as and when requested. The proper ....
Invitation to Tender for the provision of the regular servicing and maintenance ....
Buyer : Yarlington Housing Group
Yarlington Housing Group want to set up an interim service agreement with a provider who has the right experience and competitive pricing to take on all the regular servicing and maintenance of our fire alarm systems, CCTV systems, intruder alarm sys ....
Regular Servicing, Safety Check and Ad-hoc Repair of Vehicle Bay Doors
Buyer : East of England Ambulance Service
To diagnose defects, carry out routine regular safety checks and inspections and regular servicing, response servicing, maintenance, on demand repairs, provision of equipment details, maintenance records and testing and the issue of routine safety ch ....
19-T01 Regular Servicing, Safety Check and Ad-hoc Repair of Vehicle Bay Doors
Buyer : East of England Ambulance Service
To diagnose defects, carry out routine regular safety checks and inspections and regular servicing, response servicing, maintenance, on demand repairs, provision of equipment details, maintenance records and testing and the issue of routine safety ch ....
Measured term contract for a heating systems service (to include regular servici ....
Buyer : Accord Procurement Group
The Contracting Authority intends to award a measured term contract for a heating systems service contract (Contract). The Contracting Authority is a consortium of housing associations which includes:Alpha Housing (Northern Ireland) Ltd; 6 Edgewater ....
Measured term contract for a heating systems service (to include regular servici ....
Buyer : Accord Procurement Group
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