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Safeguarding Adults Review DW3
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership are looking to identify an Independent Overview Report Author to lead a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR).
Safeguarding Adults and Mental Capacity Act Training
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council has appointed a single provider for the provision of Adult Safeguarding Training and Mental Capacity Act (2005) Training.
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
Safeguarding Partnership (SASP) is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced individual to undertake the role of Independent Overview Report Author on behalf of the Partnership. The award is approved , decision taken by the Officer with the delega ....
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
We require an independent author to complete a statutory safeguarding adults review. The award is approved , decision taken by the Officer with the delegated authority.
Safeguarding Adults Training Framework
Buyer : sunderland city council
Delivery of Safeguarding Adults Training Framework covering the following topics: •Raising a Safeguarding Concern •Multi-Agency Roles during the Safeguarding Process •Mental Capacity Act Awareness and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards •How to ....
BHCC - RFQ - Safeguarding Adults Training
Buyer : brighton & hove city council
Brighton & Hove City Council is seeking training providers to deliver the following open and bespoke courses to Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) employees and staff working for independent social care and partner organisations. Training courses wi ....
Independent Chair for the Dorset and Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Safeguard ....
Buyer : bournemouth christchurch and poole council
Independent Chair for the Dorset and Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Safeguarding Adults Board (DBCPSAB)
Independent Author for Domestic Homicide Reviews and Safeguarding Adults Reviews
Buyer : liverpool city council
Liverpool City Council is seeking expressions of interest from suitably experienced and competent Independent Chair/Authors to undertake reviews of Domestic Homicide/Suicides and Safeguarding Adults Reviews. The Liverpool Community Safety Partnership ....
Safeguarding Adults Personal Assets Team Financial Support and Management System ....
Buyer : doncaster council
Case and financial management system for financial management of client finances under appointeeship and deputyship.
Safeguarding Adults Research: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Buyer : leeds city council
A research project to better understand the factors that influence access to safeguarding adults, amongst different ethinc communities in Leeds.
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