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Scientific Equipment Dynamic Purchasing System
Buyer : Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth Innovation and Enterprise Campus (AberInnovation) will provide world-leading facilities and expertise within the bioscience, agri-tech, and food and drinks sectors. Set in stunning scenery between the Cambrian Mountains and the Irish Sea, ....
MiSeq System The MiSeq Integrated System for automated generation of DNA clonal clusters by bridge amplification, sequencing, primary and secondary analysis. System includes embedded touchscreen monitor and on-instrument computer, dual surface.
X-Ray related goods
Scientific Equipment (Heating)
Buyer : university of derby
This is an awarded contract notice for a highly specific temperature control across a wide and varying temperature range and an integrated pump with high flow rate.
SC230135 - Purchase of scientific equipment
Buyer : kent county council
Purchase of a gas chromatography mass spectrometer triple quadrupole as part of their programme of improving and enhancing the capabilities and capacity of Official Control Laboratories in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Award of Provision of Scientific Equipment Servicing
Buyer : Scottish Government
Confirmation exercise for provision of maintenance/servicing of ISQ7000 and Integrion IC Instruments.No action required by supplier.
SC21088 - Purchase of Scientific Equipment
Buyer : kent county council
Kent Scientific Services currently has funding available to spend on a liquid chromatography mass spectrometer triple quadrupole, as gas chromatography mass spectrometer single quadrupole, a high-performance liquid chromatography instrument with diod ....
SC21088 - Purchase of Scientific Equipment
Buyer : Kent County Council
Under Regulation 32 of the 2015 Public Contract Regulations (b) (ii) this allows the procedure to be used where the works, supplies or services can be supplied only by a particular economic operator for (ii) Competition is absent for technical reason ....
Scientific equipment maintenance
Buyer : met office
Scientific equipment maintenance services.
lot 2 – Chromatography Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement for the Provision o ....
Buyer : Aberystwyth University
Further competition under lot 2 – Chromatography Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement for the Provision of Scientific and Non-Scientific Equipment. (DPS)
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