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Measured Term Contract for the Design, Supply, Installation, Maintenance and Com ....
Buyer : Queen's University Belfast
Queen’s wishes to appoint an experienced contractor to implement a Measured Term Contract (MTC) for the design, supply, installation, maintenance and commissioning of security equipment and systems throughout the entire University campus. The F ....
The Department for Transport are working on a possible forthcoming procurement opportunity to procure the following Aviation Security associated low value equipment: -Inert Threat Items -Standard Test Pieces (for Walk Through Metal Detectors) -X-Ray ....
Crime prevention and security equipment
Buyer : Middlesbrough Council
Buyer : Yorkshire and Humber Police Procurement (Y&HPP)
West Yorkshire Combined Authority HAS AWARDED a framework with multiple suppliers over 4 lots for the supply of IT Hardware, server & storage, Networking & Security and Commercial Off-The-Shelf Software (COTS). The framework will be available ....
West Yorkshire Combined Authority HAS AWARDED a framework for the supply of IT Hardware, Networking & Security Equipment, and Commercial Off-The-Shelf Software (COTS).The 4-year framework commenced on the 01/08/2024 and is available for use by the na ....
SB679 Security Equipment & Maintenance
Buyer : Leeds Beckett University
To maintain and service the university's security systems and for the provision of security infrastructure design/installation and commissioning across university new-build and refurbishment projects. This shall be across both minor works progra ....
SB679 Security Equipment & Maintenance
Buyer : Leeds Beckett University
To maintain and service the university's security systems and for the provision of security infrastructure design/installation and commissioning across university new-build and refurbishment projects. This shall be across both minor works programme a ....
Buyer : city of bradford metropolitan district council
The Council requires a supplier to deliver the security equipment outlined in Appendix 1 - Specification & Pricing Matrix The requirements are split into 3 lots Suppliers can submit pricing for all 3 lots or just the lots that are suitable to them
Security equipment maintenance
Buyer : university of derby
Servicing & Maintenance of CCTV, Door access, Barriers, Speed gates and Automatic Doors A contract will be awarded to the top scoring bidder to act as a partner delivering serving of all listed equipment at the specified times. For ad-hoc jobs this p ....
THE PROVISION OF FIRE & SECURITY EQUIPMENT SERVICE & MAINTENANCE SERVICES To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA12831. Not registered: Visit then ....
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