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Provision of Advocacy Services in Surrey
The objectives from this commi ....
Buyer : surrey county council
Provision of Advocacy Services in Surrey The objectives from this commission and procurement activity is to provide an advocacy service for Surrey that meets all statutory requirements placed on the Council across a range of age groups, needs and set ....
SC220310: Community Support Services for Children, Young People and Adults with ....
Buyer : Kent County Council
Kent County Council has a responsibility under the Care Act (2014) to meet the needs of people assessed as having eligible care and support needs, including people living with sensory impairments. To help meet some of these responsibilities, the Coun ....
Floating Support for Vulnerable People with Sensory Impairments
Buyer : Caerphilly County Borough Council
The aim of the Supporting People programme is to assist vulnerable people to achieve or maintain a tenancy or other independent tenure.Floating Support services are designed to support individuals to maintain and develop maximum levels of independenc ....
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