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PROJ000007886 - THR064F Single Supplier Framework Contracts for the provision of ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
The Office of Government Procurement, on behalf of The Minister for Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform is seeking submissions for the provision of Freedom of Information Training Services.In summary, the services compri ....
Access Agreement to the Single Supplier Framework Contract for an Integrated Com ....
Buyer : the royal borough of kingston upon thames
Redbridge Council has set up a single supplier framework providing Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) services and indicated to the bidders during the tender process that the Council was interested in accessing the Framework during the ten ....
SVUH-23016 - RFT to establish Single Supplier Framework Contracts for the Provis ....
SVUH invites tenders from economic operators for the award of single supplier Framework Contracts for the supply of the following goods:- General Building Supplies (Lot 1);- Electrical Supplies (Lot 2);- Plumbing & Heating Supplies (Lot 3); and- Pain ....
PROJ000007541 - Single Supplier Framework Contract for the provision of Fuel Cha ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
Single Supplier Framework Contract for the provision of Fuel Charge Card Services for Public Sector In summary, the Services comprise:The provision of fuel, automotive products and fuel charge card services (the “Services”). The Services are to i ....
PROJ000005462 - Request for Tenders to establish Single Supplier Framework Contr ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
To Whom it Concerns,Please find attached a Request for Tenders to establish Single Supplier Framework Contracts for the provision of Travel Management and Ancillary Services.This single supplier framework will be divided into two (2) lots (each a “ ....
PROJ000006988 - Request for Tenders to establish a Single Supplier Framework Con ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (the “Contracting Authority”) is issuing this request for tenders (“RFT”) as a central purchasing body for use by the Framework Clients (defined below). The Office of Government Procurement (the “O ....
PROJ000006586 - Single Supplier Framework Contract for the provision of National ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
In summary, the Services comprise:he provision of training services nationally to the Irish public sector to assist with the delivery of the Open Data Initiative and to enable public sector bodies to meet their obligations under the Open Data and reu ....
Single Supplier Framework Contract for the provision to the GSI Tellus Programme ....
Buyer : Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
The Services comprise provision to the Tellus Programme in the Geological Survey of Ireland of geochemical soil Loss-on-Ignition (LOI) Analyses.
Single Supplier Framework Contract for the provision to the GSI Tellus Programme ....
Buyer : Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
The Services comprise provision to the Tellus Programme of the Geological Survey of Ireland of Geochemical Analytical Services for soil pH determined by CaCl2 slurry method.
PROJ000005978 - THR048F - Single Supplier Framework Contracts for Learning and D ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (the “Contracting Authority”) is issuing this request for tenders (“RFT”) as a central purchasing body for use by the Framework Clients (defined below). The Office of Government Procurement (the ....
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