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Gwynedd Council: Environment Software Systems
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Prior Information Notice: Gwynedd Council Environment Software SystemsThe Environment Department of Gwynedd Council have recently undertaken a review of their major software systems. Their intention is to invest in a replacement ICT system for the fo ....
HR & Award Management Software Systems
Buyer : Swansea University
Buyer : Bassetlaw District Council
Clarity Core software system to provide an information system/CRM system for serviced office facilities. The system will be used at Middletons Yard, The Bridge Skills Hub and the Retford Enterprise Centre to manage all interactions with centre occupi ....
NHSE is awarding a contract to Axiell ALM Ltd for their Specialist library management software solution for shared use by NHS libraries in the south west, Thames Valley and Wessex to enable collaborative collection management and the day-to-day deliv ....
Software Systems - Housing, Environmental & Planning Solutions
Buyer : borough council of kings lynn and west norfolk
Exacom & Idox modules: Exacom Modules: - •CIL •S106 •Project •Public Facing Module •Public facing Interface •Mapping Idox Modules: •Idox/Exacom Integration (CCF Tasks) Support & Maintenance: •Exacom Modules (as above) •Idox Integrat ....
Software Systems - Housing, Environmental & Planning Solutions
Buyer : borough council of kings lynn and west norfolk
•Uniform modules for Planning, Environmental Health, Licensing, Housing, Estates Management, ASB, Contaminated Land, Contact Handling, Gazetteer and SN&N
Award of Replacement of EPOS Hardware and Software Systems
Buyer : Forth Valley College
Forth Valley College is seeking to replace the existing EPOS system and bring in a new, improved and secure solution that will support our hair and beauty salons, Gallery restaurant and refectories now and in the future. Please see Invitation to Tend ....
IF029 - Software Systems Engineers Framework
Software Systems Engineers Framework. The Contract is split into four (4) lots. These being;• Lots 1-3 - Software System Engineers Service • Lot 4 - Software System Engineers Specialist Support Service. See Specification for further information.
Award of contract for software licenses.
Award of contract for software licenses.
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