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Llay CP School, Wrexham - Proposed Staff Car Park
Buyer : Wrexham County Borough Council
The existing Primary school is to undergo refurbishment and extension to facilitate Infant provision. A new car park is to be constructed to provide staff parking. The Council is seeking a single organisation (with the relevant experience, skills and ....
Port Staff Car Park permits - Port of Harwich
Buyer : Home Office
Port Staff Car Park permits for Border Force Officers
GB-St Leonards o Sea: Additional Staff car Parking Spaces
Buyer : east sussex healthcare nhs trust
Provision of 88 existing car parking spaces to rent for a period of 12 months. These spaces must be in a designated car park and must be within a maximum of 10 minutes' walk of the Conquest Hospital, 729 the Ridge, St Leonards on sea, TN37 7PT.
Provision of six shuttle buses to service LLA’s Car Parks, Car Hire Centre and ....
Buyer : London Luton Airport Operations Ltd
This is a contract for the supply and provision, including maintenance, of rigid six shuttle buses for a minimum of either 5 years or 7 years, subject to performance. The contract will also allow for provision of additional buses throughout the life ....
Provision of six shuttle buses to service LLA’s Car Parks, Car Hire Centre and ....
Buyer : London Luton Airport Operations Ltd
This is a contract for the supply and provision, including maintenance, of rigid six shuttle buses for a minimum of either 5 years or 7 years, subject to performance. The contract will also allow for provision of additional buses throughout the life ....
Fender Primary School- New Staff Car Park & Playground Area
Buyer : Wirral Borough Council
Newstaff car park and new playground area
Fens Primary School Reception external space and staff car park extension
Buyer : Hartlepool Borough Council
Fens Primary School, Hartlepool Reception external space and staff car park extension.
Pinderfields Hospital Staff Car Park
Buyer : the mid yorkshire hospitals nhs trust
To undertake Staff Car Park Works at Pinderfields Hospital as per attached specification and drawings
Grampian Primary Academy staff car park resurfacing and extension
Buyer : anthem schools trust
Anthem Trust has previously commissioned a survey into the condition of its properties and Grampian primary School has been identified as having an urgent requirement to make repairs to the staff and visitor car park. The surface of the staff car par ....
Additional Staff Car Parking Spaces Conquest
Buyer : East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Additional Staff Car Parking Spaces Conquest
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