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HTE, on behalf of Mid And South Essex NHS Foundation Trust placed a Contract Notice in the Find a Tender (“FTS”) seeking expressions of interest for the provision of the agreement of Managed Bank, Managed Agency & Workforce Efficiency Solutions, ....
PA Consulting Services Ltd have been appointed by Bloom Procurement Services Ltd on behalf of the Cabinet Office to deliver the development and implementation of a plan to stand IBCA up as an employer and to develop and execute a strategic workforce ....
Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) is a key process to identify and mitigate workforce risks that impact National Grid's business objectives. It is a key Business Planning activity which informs annual Group Function & Business Unit investments requi ....
Buyer : city of bradford metropolitan district council
Understanding and input to the recruitment and retention of social workers at a national level The contract has been awarded through the Exception to Requirements of Competition in accordance with BMDC Contract Standing Orders.
Buyer : the pensions regulator
Consultancy services for the provision of a report for the People and Culture team to be delivered to TPR by 31st July 2023. The report will set out an approach as to how to build a Strategic Workforce Plan within The Pension Regulator.
GB-London: CON-23-127 Strategic Workforce Planning
Buyer : financial conduct authority
Provision of consultancy services.
Strategic Workforce Planning Consultancy
Buyer : hm land registry
Strategic Workforce Planning Consultancy
CIPD Strategic Workfoce Plannning Development Programme overview(12 hrs of learning delivered virtually in 4 x3hr sessions) Workforce planning is a business process to align changing business and people strategies. It needs to be evidenced-based usin ....
Management Consultancy Framework Three (MCF3) Lot 5: HR Optional Extension Period of 12 x 1 Month
Buyer : nhs england
Contextualisation design of course and 59 places.
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