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GB-Bristol: Electrical sub main distribution system - Woodside Nursery, Cheshire
Buyer : forestry commission
Supply and install the equipment as outlined within FC Woodside Electrical Service Report_Rev B.pdf' including items under section 4.
KMCFM-001/1d Electrical Cable Sub Mains
Buyer : kirklees council
Supply of sub mains cable to CC1.
KMCFM-001/1d Electrical Cable Sub Mains
Buyer : Kirklees Council
Supply of sub mains cable to CC1.
Main LV to sub main feed cable replacement
The existing cables are over 20 years old and have been subject to degradation due temperature variations through power loading and the local environment, currently the feed cable to FCS sub main panel failed an insulation resistance test with a read ....
Bower Ashton - Provide Sub main cable to Building 1
Buyer : University Of The West Of England
Bower Ashton - Provide Sub main cable to Building 1
Doughty Road Depot Electrical Switchgear and Sub Mains
Buyer : North East Lincolnshire Council
Equans Services Limited on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council, are seeking a suitable qualified contractor to design, supply and installation of the electrical switchgear and sub mains to various Depot buildings and ancillary areas within Doug ....
Electrical sub main distribution system - Woodside Nursery, Cheshire
Buyer : forestry commission, acting through forestry england (hereinafter referred to as forestry england)
We are tendering for the installation and laying of a designed low voltage (LV) submain within an agricultural like site.
Main LV to Sub Main Feed Cable Replacement
The existing cables are over 20 years old and have been subject to degradation due temperature variations through power loading and the local environment, currently the feed cable to FCS sub main panel failed an insulation resistance test with a read ....
Electrical upgrades to sub mains and distribution equipment within Retirement Sc ....
Buyer : Bron Afon Community Housing Ltd
Prior to the completion of internal refurbishment works Bron Afon is required to complete electrical upgrade to sub mains and distribution equipment within Retirement Schemes . The work will need to be completed within a short timescale in order for ....
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