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MPS Electronic Security Support and Maintenance Contract
Buyer : Metropolitan Police Service
Electronic security support and maintenance contract. Awarding to OpenView Security Solutions Ltd for a 24 month period, commencing on 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2022. This is a VEAT notice of the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime intention ....
Support and maintenance contracts for Juniper Firewalls for a period of 30 months
Contract award for the provision of support and maintenance services for the Hydra Suites for Home Office.
To provide ongoing support and maintenance for their bespoke Fast form system which Humberside Police use.
GMIS Support and Maintenance Contract Award Notice
Renewal of Support and Maintenance Contract for Exacom System
Buyer : wakefield council
This contract is for the renewal of support and maintenance for the Councils existing Exacom system.
LandIS Vector and Soilscapes Database support and maintenance contract
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
LandIS Vector and Soilscapes Database support and maintenance contract
LandIS Vector and Soilscapes Database support and maintenance contract
Hydrant Support and maintenance contract for ScCapture
Buyer : gloucestershire county council
Hydrant Support and maintenance contract for ScCapture
Call off via KCS Framework for support and maintenance of iPatrol
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