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Supply, Installation and Service and Maintenance of Passenger Lifts at Three loc ....
Buyer : Bron Afon Community Housing Ltd
Bron Afon Community Housing is seeking a suitably skilled, experienced and qualified Lift Contractor to supply, install and provide service and maintenance for passenger lifts at three locations. Across these three locations there are five passenger ....
Provision of overlaying/resurfacing/reconstruction of levels of car park areas/p ....
Buyer : west suffolk council
Provision of overlaying/resurfacing/reconstruction of levels of car park areas/patching works at three locations - Girton Close, Mildenhall, George Lambton Avenue Car Park, Newmarket and rear of 172-277 Exning Road, Newmarket This opportunity is avai ....
Contract for Repair works to sea defences at three locations in Peacehaven
Buyer : Lewes District Council
Provision of overlaying/resurfacing/reconstruction of levels of car park areas/p ....
Buyer : west suffolk council
Provision of overlaying/resurfacing/reconstruction of levels of car park areas/patching works at three locations - Girton Close, Mildenhall, George Lambton Avenue Car Park, Newmarket and rear of 172-277 Exning Road, Newmarket This opportunity is avai ....
Bord Iascaigh Mhara 2022-013 - RFT for the Supply of Laboratory Services to Bord ....
Buyer : Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board ( BIM )
This public procurement competition will be divided into three (3) lots as described below. Tenderers may tender for lot 1, lot 2, lot 3 or lots 1 and 2 and 3 combined. Each lot is awarded separately, there will be an individual contract for each lot ....
Hire of a Consultant Engineer - Hire of a Consultant Engineer to prepare Plannin ....
Buyer : Inland Fisheries Ireland
Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) is the statutory body with the responsibility for the protection, development, and management of the inland fishery resource within the State. As part of their responsibility to manage the fish stocks on the River Suir ....
WCC - Pedestrian Crossing Schemes - Three locations Coleshill, Leamington & Warw ....
Buyer : Coventry - Solihull - Warwickshire
The works required are for the supply, installation and commissioning of three Puffin Pedestrian crossings located at: 1. Tachbrook Road near Ranalagh Terrace, Leamington Spa. (Proposed SCN: W104) Drawings: TCIS/148/02. 2. Coventry Road near Ferndale ....
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