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DR4955(TCR) Local Plan Evidence Base: Tower Hamlets Town Centre Retail Capacity ....
Buyer : Tower Hamlets
Town Centre Retail Capacity Review
Contract to supply Footfall Data In Town Centre Retail Locations In England & Wa ....
Buyer : Valuation Office Agency
The VOA acquire suitable footfall data to assist in the preparation of Rateable Values for the 2017 Valuation List. The data should separately cover and identify 100+ town / city centres in England and Wales. For city centres and larger town centres ....
Footfall Data in Town Centre Retail Locations
Buyer : Valuation Office Agency
The data should separately cover and identify 100+ town / city centres in England and Wales. For city centres and larger town centres it should be broken down to separately provide data for identified main shopping streets. It would be an advantage i ....
Chiltern and South Bucks Councils: Town Centre Retail and Leisure Study
Buyer : Chiltern District Council
The Councils are preparing a joint Local Plan to replace the existing Core Strategies and Local Plans for the two districts. An evidence base is required to support new policies and proposals and assess town centre applications. In order to support t ....
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