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CA8265 - Provision of Sub-Tronic & Underground Services Survey (Cattle Handling) ....
Buyer : Harper Adams University
The University is inviting tenders the provision of a sub-tronic for underground services survey (the "Survey") in and around the existing cow sheds on the University Farm. To access this competition: Registered: Login to https://suppliers.multiquote ....
Topographical and Underground Services Surveys of the former Langstone Student V ....
Buyer : University of Portsmouth
This tender relates to the provision of a detailed topographical and Underground Services Survey of the former Langstone Student Village and the surrounding areas. The purpose of this survey is to adequately identify the site and buried services for ....
Gatward Green - Topographic & Underground Services Surveys
Buyer : London Borough of Enfield
Appointment to carry out Topographic and Underground Services Survey at Gatward Green garage sites N9 9AW
Underground Services Survey - IWM Duxford
The works comprise undertaking a survey of the Imperial War Museum at Duxford, to locate and plot the location of underground services. The survey work is to locate the underground services by means of radio-detection, ground penetrating radar or oth ....
2301 - Point Cloud, Measured Building, Topographical and Underground Services Su ....
Buyer : Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art Design & Technology
Point Cloud, Measured Building, Topographical and Underground Services Survey of the Quadrangle building at Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology
Underground Services Survey Port of Ramsgate
Buyer : thanet district council
The Council wishes to commission an Underground Services Survey for the Port and adjacent highway land. The survey shall be undertaken via detection using survey apparatus and physical inspection of services and inspection chambers. The Contract is a ....
Topographical and Underground Services Surveys of the former Langstone Student V ....
Buyer : University of Portsmouth
This tender relates to the provision of a detailed topographical and Underground Services Survey of the former Langstone Student Village and the surrounding areas. The purpose of this survey is to adequately identify the site and buried services for ....
Invitation to Tender for Point Cloud, Topographical & Underground Services Surve ....
Buyer : South Staffordshire District Council
1.1.We are pleased to invite you to submit a fixed price lump sum tender, in limited completion, for carrying out the following at South Staffordshire Council Offices: •Point cloud survey and creating a corresponding Revit model of part of the exis ....
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