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Agency staff used to cover vacant areas in Cleaning Services until 31/7/25 as per Temporary and Permanent (TAP) Recruitment Services Framework (PFB4037SU)
Agency staff used to cover vacant areas until in-house staff recruited until 31/7/25 as per Lot 5 - Temporary and Permanent Catering Staff Framework (CAT11056 TU)
Temporary staff for cleaning services to cover vacant areas until 31/07/2025
Temporary Staff for Cleaning Services to Cover Vacant Areas
Buyer : university of the west of england
Temporary staff for cleaning services to cover vacant areas until 31/05/2024
Temporary Staff for Cleaning Services to Cover Vacant Areas
Buyer : university of the west of england
Temporary staff for cleaning services to cover vacant areas until recruitment can take place
Temporary Staff for Cleaning Services to Cover Vacant Areas
Buyer : university of the west of england
Temporary staff for cleaning services to cover vacant areas until recruitment can take place
Provide temporary staff to cleaning services to cover vacant areas
Buyer : university of the west of england
To provide temporary staff to cleaning services to cover vacant areas until recruitment can take place.
To provide temporary staff to cleaning services to cover vacant areas
Buyer : university of the west of england
To provide temporary staff to cleaning services to cover vacant areas until recruitment can take place as per HE Contract Reference: PFB4037SU.
To provide temporary staff to cleaning services to cover vacant areas until recr ....
Buyer : university of the west of england
To provide temporary staff to cleaning services to cover vacant areas until recruitment can take place as per HE Contract Reference: PFB4037SU.
To provide cleaners to Cleaning services to cover long term sickness and vacant ....
Buyer : University Of The West Of England
To provide cleaners to Cleaning services to cover long term sickness and vacant areas
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