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Proposed installations, servicing, and maintenance of assisted living hoists, ri ....
Buyer : Link Group
The works comprise of design and installation of track ceiling hoists and servicing and reactive maintenance including LOLER/PUWER inspections to hoists, rise and fall beds and medical baths. All works will be undertaken to existing social housing st ....
Supply, Installation and Service and Maintenance of Passenger Lifts at Three loc ....
Buyer : Bron Afon Community Housing Ltd
Bron Afon Community Housing is seeking a suitably skilled, experienced and qualified Lift Contractor to supply, install and provide service and maintenance for passenger lifts at three locations. Across these three locations there are five passenger ....
Orkney Islands Council (“the Council”) has a requirement for a specialist consultancy to undertake Part A: Ferry Replacement Programme and Part B: Orkney Harbours Masterplan (Phase 2), which collectively constitute this commission
This notice is to inform the market of intention to Procure the Appointment of Administrators for Innovate UK Loans. At present the Innovate UK loan portfolio consists of around 260 businesses with an overall exposure of £219m. Due to the early-stag ....
Provsion of Research Award Management System
Buyer : University of Strathclyde
The University of Strathclyde is seeking to procure a comprehensive, modern, cloud-based end-to-end Research Awards Management System and associated implementation services.
The Council is seeking the markets views on the service specification and contract structure for the appointment of an appropriately trained online pharmacy or an online GP service, for the consultation, initial and follow up assessments and supply o ....
Rectification of Drainage System and Waterproofing to Guard House at British Council Napier Road Office
Facilitating the development of Heat Networks in BCP
Buyer : West of England Combined Authority
This study aims to investigate the feasibility of implementing district heating in the BCP area and will identify up to five candidate areas where the strongest investment opportunities exist for heat network development. Interest parties should regi ....
This agreement will provide access to multifunctional devices, managed print services, technical resources, digital workflow, cloud solutions for digital transition and print consultancy services. Please look at additional main CPV codes for goods an ....
The British Museum is seeking to create a Framework for the provision of Professional Services Consultancy to its Estates and Capital Projects Department. The Framework will have seven lots covering the following disciplines: 1. Project Management 2. ....
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