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Waste Awareness Wales - Media Relations Support Consultancy Specification
Buyer : WLGA
WLGA wishes to appoint an external organisation to provide the following bi-lingual consultancy services up to 31st March 2012 with potential for extension to 31st March 2013. It is anticipated these services will constitute 2 to 3 days work per week ....
Buyer : North Tyneside Council
The Authority has awarded a contract for services relating to a waste awareness campaign.
Buyer : north tyneside council
To deliver the Authority's waste awareness campaign including key messages and targeted interventions to tackle contamination issues and enable the Authority to meet service demands such as the introduction of food waste collections, the promotion of ....
Media Strategy - Tender for media strategy for Waste Awareness in Leitrim
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
Tender for media strategy for Waste Awareness in Leitrim
Buyer : North Tyneside Council
The Authority is seeking a suitable organisation to provide services relating to a waste awareness campaign in accordance with the tender documents. Applicants wishing to register their interest against this opportunity and obtain the tender document ....
Buyer : The Council of the Borough of North Tyneside
The Contracting Authority is seeking a suitably experienced organisation to carry out a campaign to residents to minimise waste. This will include incentives to recycle more and the provision of advice and information to help achieve these aims.
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