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Piloting approaches to capturing customer experience in the water sector for PR2 ....
Buyer : o f w a t
Services to trial approaches to delivering customer satisfaction surveys during the next price review period. The ITT sets out the ways the current surveys are working, and ideas to develop the surveys for the 2025-30 period.
How efficient are retail services in the water sector compared to other sectors?
Buyer : o f w a t
How efficient are retail services in the water sector compared to other sectors?
Provision of Consultancy Services for Identifying Needs and Gaps in Adoption of ....
Buyer : foreign commonwealth and development office
Identifying needs and gaps in adoption of digital technologies in India's water sector and mapping with UK digital water expertise
Provisions of the Market Research Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement (RM6018) between CCS and the Supplier. The overarching objective of C-MeX and D-MeX is to incentivise water companies to provide an excellent customer experience. The Contract cove ....
Copernicus C3S_424 Operational Sectoral Information System for the Water Sector
Buyer : European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
ECMWF as the Entrusted Entity for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) issued a contract for the development of an operational water service that builds upon the experience acquired during the pre-operational phase of the Sectoral Information ....
Objectives The objective of this work is to inform our PR19 approach to assess the current efficiency of residential retail services- in England and Wales in the water sector through comparison with other sectors, in advance of the 2019 price review. ....
The overall objective of the work is to identify and evaluate alternative approaches to measure, evaluate and compare company performance in terms of customer service, satisfaction, trust and confidence. Scope and key tasks The Contractor will be exp ....
The overall objective of the customer survey research is to support Ofwat’s strategy by: •Providing a robust, comparable measure of customers' experience and how satisfied they are with the overall handling of an actual recent contact with their ....
Provision of Consultancy Services for Identifying Needs and Gaps in adoption of ....
Buyer : foreign commonwealth and development office
Identifying needs and gaps in adoption of digital technologies in India's water sector and mapping with UK digital water expertise
The scope of this project encompasses three elements: 1. Developing a series of scenarios covering economic and social/behavioural changes arising from COVID-19. 2. Identifying which aspects of water company businesses may be impacted (positively or ....
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