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Gloucestershire County Council's Minor Works/Services Framework for Projects £0 ....
Buyer : Gloucestershire County Council
Gloucestershire county county council advertised an opportunity for qualified contractors to join a 4 years framework agreement for minor works. Tenders were received and evaluated in accordance with the published criteria and various contractors wer ....
Gloucestershire County Council's Minor Works/Services Framework for Projects £0 ....
Buyer : Gloucestershire County Council
Gloucestershire county county council advertised an opportunity for qualified contractors to join a 4 years framework agreement for minor works. Tenders were received and evaluated in accordance with the published criteria and various contractors wer ....
Buyer : leeds city council
Direct Award to ASM Global of an overarching contract for Leeds Arena hire for events over the next 5 years by Leeds City Council Culture and Economy service The overarching contract value is £0, multiple future Call-Off orders, totalling up to a ma ....
Torus Development Contractors Framework - Lot 1 - £0 - £10 Million
Buyer : Torus
This Contract Award Notice relates to Lot 1 - £0 - £10Million of the Torus Development Contractors Framework.
Electrical Contractor Framework - Lot 1 (£0 - £50k) - AWARD
Buyer : University of Reading
The Electrical Contractor Framework (Lot 1) will cover the provision of pre-construction services and construction works of a value of £0 to £50k
Mechanical Contractor Framework - Lot 1 (£0 - £50K) - AWARD
Buyer : University of Reading
The Mechanical Contractor Framework (Lot 1) will cover the provision of pre-construction services and construction works up to a value of £50k
Gloucestershire County Council Framework Agreement for Minor Works/Services for ....
Buyer : Gloucestershire County Council
Gloucestershire County Council is procuring a multi lots framework agreement for Minor Works/Services. The framework is divided into two categories. Category A and category B.CATEGORY A: This is for works/service with a value of £0 to £15,000. This ....
Gloucestershire County Council's Minor Works Framework for Projects £0 to £15, ....
Buyer : gloucestershire county council
Gloucestershire County Council is procuring a multi lots framework agreement for Minor Works/services. The framework is divided into two categories. Category A and category B. CATEGORY A: This is for works/service with a value of £0 to £15,000. Thi ....
Skills 3 year £0 value Overarching contracts
Buyer : Leeds City Council - PACS
This message is intended to raise awareness of an upcoming opportunity to supply adult skills provision and skills sector services.In week commencing 30 May 2022, Leeds City Council intend go out to tender for non-exclusive contracts to multiple supp ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
L4 Ordnance Munitions Explosives Technician (ST0833) EPAO Contracting
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