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Emergency locate and monitor vessel requirement for Light Vessel recovery which became adrift in storm conditions.
Emergency Tug requirement for initial standby of LV2 adrift.
GB-London: The evolving role of local government in employment, skills and growt ....
Buyer : Local Government Association
We are seeking to commission a supplier to gather intelligence, including examples of innovation and best practice, on how councils are working to implement the reforms on the following three themes: Integration of the Local Enterprise Partnerships ( ....
This contract is for the provision of services to use an action learning approach to locate the local factors driving spend on long-term support for working age adults with a physical support need, mental health need or with a learning disability nee ....
Contract for supply of professional/consulting services relating to Net Zero / Decarbonising buildings / retrofit works
NHS North East London has commissioned a counselling, therapy and psychosocial service for young people between the ages of 16-25 who live or work in Hackney or the City of London. The Service is: • Counselling / Psychotherapy / Art psychotherapy ( ....
Competitive Contract Award Notice for T0542 - Agile Consultancy Services. This notice includes the option to extend the award up to a value of £200k if the optional services under Work Package 2 are utilised.
This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is issued to inform potential interested parties of an upcoming procurement opportunity for the delivery of two pivotal initiatives for Sheffield Hallam University: 1. London Branch Campus: Establishing a collabora ....
Management Information System to collate and process information for DfE to report on young people's progression to education, employment and training.
NHS North East London ICB GP Primary Medical Services (3 Lots)
Buyer : NHS England
NHS North East London Integrated Care Board 'the ICB' (under delegated commissioning on behalf of NHS England) is seeking to procure GP Primary Medical Services and additional services delivered from the following sites: Lot 1 - Francis Road Medical ....
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