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Public Sector Information Technology Tenders in UK

Latest Government Information Technology Contracts

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Published on :  25 Jun 2021
Tender Id :  2506210361
Type :  02 Contract Notice
Buyer :  NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
Deadline :   06 Jan 2026
Deadline :  26 Feb 2025
Published on :  28 Oct 2020
Tender Id :  2910200093
Type :  Contract
Deadline :   26 Feb 2025
Deadline :  31 Aug 2025
Published on :  07 Feb 2024
Tender Id :  0702240010
Type :  Contract Notice
Buyer :  Westmorland and Furness Council
Deadline :   31 Aug 2025
Published on :  08 Feb 2024
Tender Id :  0802240001
Type :  PreProcurement
Buyer :  ministry of justice
Deadline :   31 Dec 2024
Deadline :  16 Oct 2028
Published on :  21 Oct 2020
Tender Id :  2210200266
Type :  Contract Notice
Buyer :  The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset Police
Deadline :   16 Oct 2028
Deadline :  29 Aug 2026
Published on :  03 Sep 2020
Tender Id :  0309200116
Type :  Qualification system - utilities - Call for competition (TED (v209))
Buyer :  Electricity Supply Board ( ESB )
Deadline :   29 Aug 2026
Deadline :  19 Dec 2025
Published on :  18 Oct 2020
Tender Id :  1810200005
Type :  Qualification system - utilities - Call for competition (TED (v209))
Buyer :  An Post
Deadline :   19 Dec 2025
Deadline :  19 Dec 2025
Published on :  18 Oct 2020
Tender Id :  1810200007
Type :  Qualification system - utilities - Call for competition (TED (v209))
Buyer :  An Post
Deadline :   19 Dec 2025
Deadline :  19 Dec 2025
Published on :  18 Oct 2020
Tender Id :  1810200009
Type :  Qualification system - utilities - Call for competition (TED (v209))
Buyer :  An Post
Deadline :   19 Dec 2025
Published on :  26 Dec 2020
Tender Id :  2612200014
Type :  Prior information notice - Call for competition (TED (v209))
Buyer :  Teagasc
Deadline :   25 Dec 2025

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