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Asbestos Removal Works Contracts for Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk Di ....
Buyer : Babergh District Council
Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council are looking to jointly procure two Contractors for the delivery of their AsbestosRemoval Works Contracts.The estimated annual combined contract values are circa GBP135000.00 to GBP435000.00.
Acquisition of Fulmar Way, Dalgety Bay
Buyer : Kingdom Housing Association Limited
This notice is to advise that Kingdom Housing Association intends to contract with Muir Homes. The contract is expected to commence in 2025 and complete during 2026.
Transport for Greater Manchester (‘TfGM’) is seeking to enter into a virtual Power Purchase Agreement (‘vPPA’) with a supplier (‘the Supplier’) to meet its clean energy goals, and reduce price volatility risk from its energy portfolio. ....
Contract 21 - Planned Electrical Works 2025-
North Tyneside Council (the 'Authority') is seeking tenders to enter into a framework agreement (Framework) for the delivery of planned electrical installation and modification works to add to the Authority's portfolio of schools, leisure centres and ....
Buyer : Barts Health NHS Trust
Barts Health NHS Trust are seeking a Supplier for the provision of washroom services for the following 5 hospital sites:1. St Bartholomew's Hospital2. The Royal London Hospital3. Newham University Hospital4. Mile End Hospital5. Whipps Cross HospitalT ....
Insurance and related services for Motor Fleet, as required by Your Housing Group
Buyer : Northumbria University
The University has several major projects to deliver in its pipeline over the coming years which includes new build and refurbishments of its estates and may require Clerk of Works Services and therefore is looking to put in place a framework contrac ....
Places for People Developments are seeking to appoint suppliers to a Framework for the delivery of Places for People’s Window programme within England and Scotland. Each contractor that’s successful will then be able to tender for upcoming projec ....
Framework Agreement for the Provision of Primary Care at Scale Services
Buyer : NHS South West London Integrated Care Board
NHS South West London Integrated Care Board (NHS SWL ICB) is appointing providers to a Primary Care at Scale Framework Agreement.
ORE Catapult are seeking a Contractor who can be proactive and recognise potential serial problems, investigate the issue(s), propose viable solutions and communicate with the ORE Catapult Authorised Representative timeously throughout the whole proc ....
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