7253 A national planning overview of 19th century forts and associated fortifications
19th century forts and associated fortifications are some of our coast’s most distinctive monuments. Architecturally and topographically they are striking places with clear historic significance often dominating their settings and localities. They embody the changing nature of 19th century conflict as the technology of the industrial age was applied to warfare, fuelling great rivalry between Europe’s imperial powers. Militarily most 19th century forts were declared obsolete in 1956, subsequently a number have been preserved as visitor attractions by English Heritage and other organisations. A number have remained with the Ministry of Defence. Others have been converted to residential and commercial uses, whilst others are derelict subject to decay and vandalism, and are registered as Heritage at Risk. To ensure that more of these forts find new uses imaginative schemes based on best constructive conservation practices are required. Increasingly, proposals are being put forward to convert forts to new uses; potentially involving some loss of historic fabric and later defensive features. Forts are especially vulnerable to harm to their significance by virtue of changes to their settings. This project is designed to provide a national overview of 19th century forts and associated fortifications in England. It will identify which ones best exemplify evolution of military architecture, retain the best examples of features and fittings of various dates, and discuss the relative significance of later rearmament phases. The report will help to inform the work of Historic England and others to ensure well-informed and nationally consistent advice is available to those promoting and managing change, as well as would be developers.
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1 Possible Competitors