21-36 Aspire to HE - Knowledge Framework and Programme Design for Adult Learners
The University of Wolverhampton is the Lead Institution of the Aspire to HE (Higher Education), the Uni Connect programme supporting wards in Telford, Wrekin and the Black Country. Aspire to- 'the Project' or 'Programme' - is funded by the Office for Students. 'Aspire to HE' is a partner-based consortium which will deliver sustained, progressive, intensive outreach activity to targeted cohorts of learners (years 9 to 13) in identified Wards to increase the numbers of students from disadvantaged backgrounds entering Higher Education. The measure of success is the progression of young people onto courses of prescribed Higher Education. The key aim is to increase the rate of young participation in HE in the target Wards: 'young participation' is defined as the proportion of the cohort that enters HE at both 18 and 19 years of age. As the Programme moves into 21/22, it will begin working and supporting adult learners based in FE Colleges Aspire to HE is required to "equip adult learners... to make an informed choice about their options in relation to the full range of routes into and through higher education and to minimise the barriers they may face when choosing the options that will unlock their potential" Accordingly, Aspire to HE is looking for a third party to: 1)Create a knowledge framework for adult learners across Telford, Wrekin and the Black Country. 2)Develop a series of flexible sessions/content designed to meet the needs of adult learners in addressing the knowledge gaps/barriers established in the framework.
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80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors