707425450 - Defence Freight Movements Service (DFMS) - Industry Day
The DES Digital delivery team within Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) is preparing to initiate a competitive procurement process to award a contract for a new Defence Freight Movements Service (DFMS). As part of this process, an Industry Day will be held on Thursday 19 October 2023. See Additional Information Field for further information. DFMS will provide a pan-Defence movements management capability for the delivery of Materiel and Equipment across the Defence Support Chain. It will enable users to request, plan, task, control, execute, and track the movement of materiel and equipment on multiple journeys using various modes of transport (in-house and commercial solutions). This will be achieved by transforming the current capability into a set of secure, intuitive, and easily accessible services, which support standardised industry best practice. DFMS will address a significant scope of activity within Defence Support specifically requisition management, transport management, yard management, port management, global trade management, consignment visibility and global network design. These activities are serviced by up to an estimated 10 000 users across the Defence Support Network comprising the Armed Forces, Civil Servants, and Industry partners. The DFMS procurement seeks a Systems Integrator (SI) to deliver a movements management capability configured from Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) software. The SI will manage the introduction of the solution into service including data migration from legacy systems, integration with other MOD systems, DFMS system acceptance and assurance. The SI will also deliver a core basic training package for further development by a third party. In addition, support is required during the implementation and incremental roll-out of the solution. The Authority is holding an Industry Day on Thursday 19 October 2023. The purpose of the Industry Day is principally to without commitment to brief Suppliers on: -The Business Modernisation for Support (BMfS) programme as the sponsor and roles of DE&S Digital and Defence Digital. - Ensure that the DFMS requirement is understood. - Articulate the DFMS project timelines. - Explain our approach to Tender evaluation. - Solicit feedback from suppliers on various areas of the project. Further details on how to register for the Industry Day can be found in the document titled '20230907-707425450_DFMS_Industry Day Notice' within the Opportunity Listing.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72320000 - Database services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Buyer Information
Address :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors