9159 Dinosaurs & Geological Court - Condition Survey - AWARD
Consultants are required to carry out a comprehensive condition survey of the individual prehistoric animal sculptures and geological illustrations at Crystal Palace Park in southeast London. This will contribute important information to a wider project led by Historic England to gather information and consider what is causing the rapid deterioration of the grade I listed prehistoric animal sculptures and geological illustrations within their setting. They were placed on Historic England's Heritage at Risk Register in 2020. They are of considerable local and international interest and importance; previous specialist initiatives have failed to find long-term solutions. The overarching project is led by a multi-disciplinary team of Historic England specialists who are combining their expertise to interpret various studies undertaken internally and externally to offer a philosophy of approach and principles for the repair, conservation, maintenance and management of the various structures in their setting. The prehistoric animal sculptures are now over 170 years old and originally built from an early "Roman" cement render on a backing of clay tiles and bricks. Iron bands, bars and rods were incorporated into the bed joints of brickwork and used as formers and armatures. The geological illustrations consist of stone facings built onto a structural backing, generally brickwork.
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1 Possible Competitors