830/2019 - Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Health and Social Care. DPS 3 - Independent Living
Lot 3 - Semi-Independent accommodation for Young people aged 16-25 in the London Borough of Croydon., The service will enable Young People who have either been ‘In Care’, or are deemed vulnerable because of, their previous life experiences, to succeed in their transition to adulthood., The Specification seeks to define the core requirements that are common to a range of services, each providing, different levels of person-centred support, ranging from early intervention/short term accommodation, to 24 hour, staffed accommodation, to varying levels of outreach support that enables the Young Person to sustain their, own tenancy., The London Borough of Croydon is looking to work with Service Providers, who can demonstrate both the, experience and expertise in providing person centred support to young individuals or groups of individuals, in, one or more than one of the following service areas :, 1. Emergency /Short term supported accommodation: to enable the young person to return to live within their, family home or to provide an interim solution., 2. Semi-independent 24 hour staffed accommodation for 16-18 year olds: in small group living arrangements for, a maximum of 6 young people., 3. Semi-independent accommodation for Care leavers 18-25 : with allocated support (not 24 hour) in group, living environments., 4. Group or Independent Accommodation for young people aged 18-25 whose needs may require additional, specialist support : primarily but not exclusively associated with mental ill-health, substance misuse, criminal, behaviour, learning disability and/or autistic spectrum., 5. Single gender group living schemes: for young people aged 16+ at risk of criminal exploitation., 6. Training flats for Care leavers aged 18+: to trial living independently prior to a permanent move., 7. Outreach support: to facilitate and sustain the move for young people aged 18-25 to independent, accommodation., 8. Other types of semi-independent accommodation services: that may be required and that will be specified at, call off stage., Further information can be obtained via the specification available with the tender documentation
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors