23-200 Hand Arm Vibration Monitoring Equipment
Rotherham Council is seeking to procure a combined hardware and software package that supports the health surveillance and overall management of vibratory tool use.The Council's requirement include physical devices to assist with the measuring and monitoring of employee exposure to Hand Arm Vibrations (HAVs) caused by different pieces of equipment and their association vibration magnitude. The assets need to record the exposure of an individual to their tools and feed into a back-office system which produces data to support the management of exposure. The devices need to be suitable for a range of working environments, across teams in highways, drainage, grounds maintenance and park maintenance.The Council are engaging in soft market testing to gain knowledge and insight from the market to inform the development of the Council's specification and other relevant information to inform a competitive procurement procedure.The Council will be running a soft market testing day for suppliers to come and present to the Council.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
38434400 - Vibration analysers
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors